Events & Workshops in San Diego & Online

  • You are driving your car, and someone cuts you off; it throws you into an emotional reaction, and you develop a story around it and just can’t shake it.

    Why can’t I just calm down when I am triggered?? Why do I feel out of control in my mind and body?

    Why am I living in constant stress and anxiety, feeling on edge and activated and experiencing shutdown and avoidance, wondering why change is so hard even though I only want to be set free?

    If these thoughts have ever crossed your mind, you are not alone and not broken!

    Change is hard because our nervous system is used to being dysregulated all the time. We try to meditate and get frustrated because we cannot sit still. And we need more motivation even though our to-do list is a mile long, so we beat ourselves up getting nothing done. It has become addicted to the stress hormones.

    We might experience a subconscious belief we are better off and safer being small, sick, scared, and unseen. You have years of subconscious programming activated in your body since childhood. Many of us are born into unpredictable, unsafe, emotionally inconsistent, chaotic childhood environments. We know nothing else.

    So how do we start getting unstuck, bringing lasting change?

    We need to learn about our nervous system and why our bodies are in survival mode, numbing and shutting down. Learn practical tools to calm the nervous system. We must rebuild trust and safety within ourselves and our bodies in a regulated state, bringing our nervous system into calm and balance, letting our body know it is safe to feel this way so we can release challenging emotions safely and present versus getting stuck in hyper-vigilance, fear, anxiousness and shut down.

    What if instead of attempting to avoid triggers and emotions, we befriend them and our bodies?

    In this workshop, you will understand the journey from your younger self to adulthood. Why have you created these survival mechanisms, limiting beliefs and conditioning. You will understand the nervous system to give yourself grace and compassion. You will learn body-based tools and how to care for your nervous system that will support you to start rebuilding trust and safety within yourself to feel present, calm, and grounded so you can process emotions and experiences and begin to heal. We will end by experiencing the 3-part Circular Breathwork technique, an active mediation that will quiet the mind to access stagnant energy and emotions, allowing them to move through the body. We will have time for journaling, community connection, and sharing. 

    You are your greatest healer!

    It’s time to learn how to regulate our nervous system and release emotional blocks allowing us to step back into our power! Join me for this experiential workshop in a safe and connected environment.

    Investment: $45 (click here on Sojourn Healing Collective Website and scroll down until you see my workshop.

  • "I just wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for the “ Your Nervous System” workshop at Sojourn yesterday. It was truly an incredible and special experience.

    From the moment I arrived, I felt the calming energy that you and the space provided. The workshop was thoughtfully designed, and your expertise and compassionate approach made me feel both safe and nurtured throughout the session.

    The combination of breathing techniques, gentle movements, and mindfulness exercises was exactly what I needed. I felt an immediate release of tension, and by the end of the session, I genuinely felt physically, emotionally, and spiritually 10 pounds lighter. It was as if a weight I didn’t realize I was carrying had been lifted.

    The sense of community and connection with the other participants added to the overall impact of the workshop. Sharing this journey with others seeking balance and tranquility created a powerful and supportive atmosphere.

    I left the workshop feeling rejuvenated and with a renewed sense of clarity and calm. It was not just an event; it was a transformative experience that I will carry with me.

    Thank you so much for such an incredible and healing experience." Nicole L.

    “After having time to reflect the magnitude of the power of Breathwork and the workshop, I must say that was such an enlightening, uplifting and hopeful experience. I was concerned for myself, could I let go and trust the process being in a group setting, but I was concerned for no reason. In this setting, I was able to do so. Experiencing the workshop and this type of Breathwork my hopes are finally being nurtured. Thank you Suzanne for following your calling to provide this amazing simple process.” Dwight B

    "I’m still doing my daily breathwork that you taught in the workshop which has been life changing, so thank you." Erica B

    "Thank you! Great workshop! I'm glad I attended and will use these techniques for sure." Andy S.