Mirror Work

Mirror Work

Many years ago I was at a spiritual workshop & one of the stations had a mirror and affirmation prompts. As I stared at myself and started to say them, I could not look at myself in the mirror. It was very uncomfortable & I began to cry.

Often times when we look in the mirror, like really look in the mirror, we look away. We may experience shame, unpleasant and critical thoughts and emotions.

But what if we set a timer for 3-5 minutes simply being with ourselves and experiencing whatever arises. Being curious. Taking deep breaths so you stay present, maintaining an open awareness of what you are experiencing. This is the hardest part as you will want to avoid the emotional intensity. So we need to regulate our emotions. All that means is, “I will not allow my experience to throw me into chaos, emotionally.” So take deep breaths letting your mind and body know that you are safe. Saying silently, “I am safe, I am supported, I am held.”

  • What emotions arise?

  • What thoughts arise?

  • What sensations did you have in your body?

As you do this your self-awareness increases. The KEY is trying to stay curious versus judgement. A lot of times we notice how unkind we are, critical and how we have been ignoring ourselves. Offer grace and compassion to yourself. Many of our thoughts and beliefs are from our childhood and kept us safe. We are now adults and don’t need these protective mechanisms but it takes time to see them and heal.

Our sense of self is inherently linked to our own face; looking at our eyes and face while experiencing self-compassion toward ourselves can profound impact on our self worth. I am proof of that. I can now look at my face, smile and tell myself, “I love you, you are doing the best you can, you are perfect just as you are and I approve of myself.” Believing and embodying it took practice and time but change can happen!!

So ask yourself, “Did this resonate?” If yes, I challenge you to try it for 30 days.

My priority: empowering you to connect back to what is already in you!

Lots of love,


PS: If you are called to start seeing and healing your protective mechanisms, please book a private session below. Virtual and in-person available.

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