Slowing down your mind and dropping into your body through the tool of your BREATH!!


This is an active Three Part Circular Breathwork practice that creates a heightened sense of awareness inward. Unlike meditation, where we are aware of our mental chatter, Breathwork allows the mind to slow down, relax so we reconnect with our body, heart and emotions. From this elevated state of awareness, we are able to heal, grow, and expand. No experience necessary.

Why try Breathwork?

Many of us have tried different modalities of healing but we still feel stuck. If you are swirling in thoughts and negative emotions all day and cannot seem to stop, Breathwork breaks that cycle! You have to get out of your mind and back into your body to heal.

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What are the benefits?

It is the quickest way to drop into your body, opening up your heart so you can feel and let go of negative emotions and limiting beliefs, opening up space to step into your wholeness.

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Breathwork is for you if…

  • You are ready to release the stories that have been defining you

  • You are looking to find a deeper connection with God, yourself, and others

  • You are looking to release blocked energy and trauma in your body

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“Breathe on me, breath of God, fill me with life anew…”

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Private Three Part Circular Breathwork sessions [in person or remote] group sessions and events!

I first met Suzanne via her breathwork group classes, and soon signed up for one-on-one sessions.  I had been to no fewer than 15 traditional talk-based psychologists over 20 years and had only ever found mild success.  After working with her for a year, I can say, without any doubt, that these sessions have spearheaded some of the most transformative healing I've experienced in my life.  Her unique blend of conversation and breathwork offer a direct path to open my unconscious, confront emotions that I avoid, letting those emotions speak, and then giving them space to heal.  I now have a much more regulated emotional landscape and can more calmly manage a whole host of situations and experiences.  I truly believe this kind of somatic therapy and breathwork is the future of psychotherapy” Andrew K


Life can teach you to close your heart and armor up. Breathwork opens your heart so you can feel and heal.